Tuesday, March 25, 2008

RR Content - no layoffs

I have not taken any extra time off for some time. I was unaware that there has been a no layoff policy for quite some time. This blog was started in part to document my last few years as an engineer. If this no layoff policy continues I'll retire early.

We are headed for Memphis leaving Sat or Sun I hope.... my vacation officially starts Mon Mar31. Hopefully my turn will get out on Sun without me. It will not be nice to drive 2-13 hour days to get there, 2-13 hour days to get back and only get to see my family for 3 days.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

RR -content- Up All Night?

As you can see I am up in the middle of the night.. Often I have to catch a bit of reast and it ends up putting me up at least a good portion of the night.

There was a bit of a slowdown after the derailment on Bozeman pass even though the cleanup effort was very quick. My turn LA28-01 was pulled and I'll be bidding an Asst. Engineers job soon.

These are from a couple of days ago so I'll do a before and after essay of sorts. I'll post the Coal train derailment aftermath photos that I took today, it has been dark each time we went through the derailment site. They sure have done an excellent job cleaning it up.

More later... the sleeping pill is working

I've been busy:
2008/03/02 0001 2008/03/02 1215 LA01 12'14" on duty
Job: LA01 04 From LAURMT To HELEMT Train: CSCMCEC069
2008/03/02 2020 2008/03/03 0550 LA01 11'20" on duty
Job: LA01 04 From HELEMT To LAURMT Train: HPASKCK901
2008/03/04 1830 2008/03/05 0425 LA28 7'55" on duty
Job: LA28 01 From LAURMT To HELEMT Train: MLAUPAS104
2008/03/06 1630 2008/03/07 0100 LA28 8'5" on duty
Job: LA28 01 From HELEMT To LAURMT Train: HPASSAG904
2008/03/07 2100 2008/03/08 0925 LA28 12'25" on duty
Job: LA28 01 From LAURMT To HELEMT Train: MLAUPAS107
2008/03/09 0045 2008/03/09 1245 LA28 12'00" on duty
Job: LA28 01 From HELEMT To LAURMT Train: XKALHNL908
Job: LA28 01 From LAURMT To HELEMT Train: MLAUPAS110
2008/03/11 1555 2008/03/12 0055 LA28 = 9'00"
Job: LA28 01 From HELEMT To LAURMT Train: QTACDEN109
2008/03/14 0400 2008/03/14 1630 LA28 =12'30"
Job: LA28 01 From LAURMT To HELEMT Train: CSCMCEC083
2008/03/15 0430 2008/03/15 1030 LA28 = 6'
Job: LA28 01 From HELEMT To LAURMT Train: HPASSAG913
2008/03/17 0300 2008/03/17 1050 LA28 =7'50"
Job: LA28 01 From LAURMT To HELEMT Train: QDENTAC115 BNSF4444
2008/03/18 0210 000/00/00 0000 LA28
Job: LA28 01 From HELEMT To LAURMT Train: XKALWMI915 Busted
2008/03/18 0415 2008/03/18 1225 LA28
Job: LA28 01 From HELEMT To LAURMT Train: XVAWGLE916
2008/03/18 0415 2008/03/18 1225 LA28
Job: LA28 01 From HELEMT To LAURMT Train: XVAWGLE916

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

RR content - Engineer again

I'll retire before I will be the Engineer regularly instead of the Assistant Engineer. Each time I am assigned my own turn as Engineer, I wonder if it will be the last time.
Yesterday I was installed as the engineer on Turn LA28-01 (for those interested)

Today I stand to go out at dark thirty 1830.

Last trip up to Helena on the Coal train (no report yet) I ran Distributed power for the first time. But I wasn't qualified as the rules require a non crew member to do the qualifying.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

BearingSTOC - Spring is coming, GO RIDE

Place holder - photos and blog to be posted soon about replacing all 6 bearings in my motorcycle headset and wheel bearings